The Fan Made Fits Community — a Community of Passionate People

Fan Made Fits
2 min readSep 18, 2021

One thing we’re extremely proud of at Fan Made Fits is our community of users. Because we believe we’ve empowered a group of people who want to make CHANGE in the world. We’re powered by their passion for their work, their hobbies, and their lives.

Passion is the fuel of the engine of life. Without passion, we’re cubicle junkies, couch potatoes, and has-beens. Inject passion, inject courage, inject bravery into a normal human being, and he/she becomes something greater — something never before seen in the history of this world.

Fan Made Fits wants to re-inject passion into fashion. Yeah, we’ve seen your models at Fashion Week. We’ve seen the Victoria Secret models. We’ve seen the commercials of Gap/Old Navy/Gucci/Levis — and, some of us at least, are moving on.

It was a great ride though.

Because at some point these huge fashion companies, that tell you what to wear, what’s cool, what’s in style (only to change it the next year so you can spend money again) lost that something special. They lost their connection to the community. They’ve become too big to care.

The world is changing fast. Companies like Youtube are putting television out of business. Companies like Google put books and libraries out of business. Companies like Amazon are putting retailers out of business.

Fan Made Fits is something new, something that empowers every day people again. To not be dictated by the huge fashion corporations but to make your own styles. To share your fashion with others who believe in what you believe.

That’s why we created FMF Collections. Collections allows you to create your own fashion store with products on our site. AND you can create your own custom products with your own designs. No design expertise necessary. Instead, use your imagination to create whatever fashion brand YOU and your community want.

Fan Made Fits isn’t like Amazon, where everything is about “traffic” and “money”. It’s about passion. It’s not like Gap, with quarterly reports and stockholders and what-not. It’s not like Gucci, where it’s only the top 1% can partake.

Create your own brand. Make it what you wish.

It’s about passion.



Fan Made Fits

Fan Made Fits is changing fashion. Wear your hobbies, passions and beliefs on your clothing. Stop spending money on brands and huge corporations.