Fan Made Fits — Create Your Own Brand for $0… We’ll even help you design it.

Fan Made Fits
2 min readSep 6, 2021


Fan Made Fits loves small niches. We’re a bit of an underdog story ourselves. So forgive us for always siding with the underdog.

We’re talking startup skateboard brands. Brands built around 6 year old kids playing Minecraft. Around local church groups. Small garage rock bands.

We’re the local village of fashion. We’re not the department store — and we never tried to be. America’s full of department stores. We didn’t want to add to the homogenization of America.

What about YOUR voice? Your group needs shirts. Look — everyone wears clothing. Why not bring your people together, under one BANNER? Use clothing as your glue. Design a brand that will bring your passion or niche together.

But I don’t know how to DESIGN, you say? Well talk to us. Give us a direction. Give us some ideas. We’ll DESIGN it for you! Then you can share your link, and they can buy your design that we help you create — and you’re on your way to bringing people closer together.

Because that’s what it’s all about. Bringing people closer together through fashion.

How many times have you walked down the street, and someone is wearing a t-shirt with a funny message that just makes your day? Or for me, I’ll see someone wearing a shirt from my favorite TV show, and I’ll instantly feel a connection with that person. Why? Because we have something in common.

Fashion isn’t just a piece of fabric. It’s a form of self-expression. We’re blessed to live in a country filled with countless different people from all walks of life. We are sometimes separated by neighborhood, class, race and occupation, but what brings us together are the causes we truly care about.

That’s what makes America what it is. Not some cookie-cutter luxury brand telling us what’s popular and what’s out of style.

Believe in yourself as a creator. Millions of people are waking up to it now. That individuals can make a difference in this world. Even if you don’t make the “new BIG BRAND” (whatever it may end up being) or even if you don’t make a million dollars — it was never really about that.

It’s about wearing a t-shirt, hoodie or sweater down the street, and someone coming up to you and telling you “hey I love that shirt, where’d you get it?”

And then you can tell them that you designed it. And for a moment, two people who never spoke can speak together as friends.



Fan Made Fits

Fan Made Fits is changing fashion. Wear your hobbies, passions and beliefs on your clothing. Stop spending money on brands and huge corporations.